Why You Should Switch to the Mac

Actually, not really. This article is actually 8 Reasons Windows Users Don’t Switch. The guy makes some very nice points from the viewpoint of a long-time Windows user who has recently “seen the light.” He discusses the way Windows users think and I found myself (past self) in a few of those reasons. He even offers some very good advice to Apple, Inc. about not “John Kerry-izing” the Mac vs. PC argument by only bashing the competition and not telling people why you are better and some good advice to Mac users to not be so elitist (trust me, it’s hard not to).

The only thing I had to take issue with is his opinion of Vista. I’ve used it some and let me just say there’s a reason many of the OEM vendors are screaming for what Dell got–a “downgrade” path to allow them to sell XP on new machines.

Just check the article out. Be patient, though. His article got posted to Digg and the Digg Effect is in full swing right now as I post this.

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One Comment

  1. Hey,

    Cool new site. I like the colors. It reminds me of vacations together. There always seems to be water involved.

    Love ya lots!


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