171 Represent Us–263 Do Not

The so-called bailout bill (personally, I think, “monetary socialism bill” has a better ring to it) has passed the House (see the link to see how your Congressman voted).  All that remains is for President Bush to sign it which I’m sure he’s rushing to do since it was all his idea and the only thing he thinks can save what’s left of his legacy.

I vowed a few days ago when the Senate passed this 451-page behemoth that is another step toward socialism and that I would not vote for anyone that helped pass it (including McCain and Obama).  We need to send Congress a lesson that when they do not represent us, they get removed from the position of “representative.”

God bless, Phil Gingrey (R-GA 11th Dist) who is my Congressman.  Generally, I agree with the guy and I think he’s mostly done a good job.  Today, he faithfully represented the people of Georgia by voting against H.R. 1424.  Thank you, Congressman Gingrey!

For now, it looks like I’ll be voting for Congressman Gingrey, Mr. Allen Buckley (who is running against Saxby and Martin for the Senate seat), and possibly Bob Barr (jury is still out on that one).

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  1. I’d like Barr but I can’t forgive him for the Clinton impeachment.

  2. I am in all likelihood voting for Barr as well. Then again, I’ve been a voting Libertarian for the past 8 years :)

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